

Fabrics for medical clothing: composition, colors, features


What makes a doctor different from everyone else in the hospital? Of course, his clothes! A medical suit is a reliable and necessary piece of clothing for every doctor, and the better the suit, the mo...

3 reasons why it is better to buy textile and ready-made clothes in China


China has long had a reputation as the "factory of the world". Everything is produced in the Celestial Empire, from small things to complex technical devices. Here, many businessmens from ot...

Now we are working with the production of shoes


Shoes - one of the most sought after items of clothing. We will help to find the manufacturer of shoes of any colors and sizes.

Our office in Moscow was opened


The representative office of the company is open in Moscow! Working with us has become more convenient and easier.

Pullers are not just an interesting word


Pullers are a great way to make a product special. Different colors and shapes for every taste and size.
By the way, the order for pullers for the client is ready.

Explicit talk about business in China


The general director of HongKong Hit Kit Limited Denis Starchikov told the intermoda Internet publication:

... about the difference in approach to doing business
"Yes, of course, different cities...

Our new partner is Baureli


Recently we have a new partner - the company Baureli. We hope that our cooperation will be long and mutually beneficial.

A new direction in our work, baguettes for photo frames


How can you stop the moment, only the photographer knows. And how to get aesthetic pleasure from important moments - a professional photographer knows this. But, just like every photographer has a sec...

Canton Fair Autumn 2015


International exhibition in Ganazhou, where factories and factories represent their products in almost all areas.
Do not forget to contact us for help in organizing a business tour to visit the exhibition...

New clients, new directions


We are always glad to new clients, they are new directions and prospects for joint development.



St. Petersburg joined the company of our partners. The trademark CAPSULA is happy to see you among our friends.

New autumn-winter 2015 season


Soon a new season of winter-summer 2015, do not forget to prepare in advance. In this regard, I await orders for the placement of clothing and accessories

Our guests


Good day to all!
To us, in sunny Guangzhou, came the director of a very serious company info-expert. They visited the Canton Fair and cultural attractions. Feedback on the trip can be found in the section...

New direction


Good day to all!
Since November we have opened a new direction in our activities. Attention to decor designers, we can help you in the search for curtains and decorative elements for decorating apartments...