
Manufacture and testing of samples, according to the Terms of Reference

The manufacturer has been found, negotiations have been held, the cooperation agreement is ready and it is time to sign a supply agreement. But it's not the time to relax! Ahead is one of the most critical stages of the whole enterprise: the production, verification and approval of samples.

The manufacturer was found, negotiations were held, a cooperation agreement and it's time to sign a supply agreement. But it's not the time to relax! Ahead is one of the most critical stages of the whole enterprise: the production, verification and approval of samples.

It's one thing if the manufacturer has responsibly approached the order and produced a sample that fully corresponds not only to external parameters, but also to all the requirements of the technical assignment. There are no questions: one business trip, the signed act - and you can start production.

But if both the first and second samples are performed with violations and do not meet all the requirements of TK? How many trips will it take to bring to light a product close to the ideal? Should I then conclude a contract with this manufacturer, it may be better to return to the first stage of "search for a manufacturer"?

We will undertake the preliminary testing of samples and the rejection of products of inadequate quality. And only if the sample does not show any deviations from the TK, we will send it to you for a more detailed study. Do not need urgent business trips, extra money and iron nerves. You are doing your current business, and we are doing everything for you.

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